Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CVS Exter Care Buck (ECB) Q&A

What is an Extra Care Buck (ECB)?
It is a coupon that will print at the bottom of your receipt after you make a purchase of an item that has an attached Extra Care Buck deal with it. You will be able to use this coupon on almost any purchase in the store (with some exclusions like gift cards, alcohol, cigarettes, phone cards, stamps, etc).

What is a CRT?
CRT means cash register tape. It is a store coupon that will print either at the bottom of your receipt after you buy something or it will print from the price scanner when you scan your Extra Care Card. Since these are store coupons, they can be combined with manuf coupons. CRT coupons will state a particular product like "$1 off any haircare item" or "$2 off Glade Lasting Impressions".

How will I know if an item should print an Extra Care Buck?
There are weekly Extra Care Buck deals and monthly Extra Care Bucks deals. The weekly deals are advertised in the store ad and the monthly deals SHOULD have shelf tags throughout the store. However, many stores do not put the tags up so you will want to check either my site or forums like weusecoupons to find a list of monthly deals.

Can I use a manuf coupon on an item and still get the Extra Care Buck to print?
Yes, the coupon should not affect whether the Extra Care Buck prints or not.

Can I use an Extra Care Buck to pay for an item that will print an Extra Care Buck?
Yes as long as the limit is more than one, you can "roll" the one Extra Care Buck into the next item. For example, if the limit is 2 on a deal and you buy 1 shampoo for $4 and get a $4 Extra Care Buck, you can buy the second shampoo and use the $4 Extra Care Buck to pay and get another $4 ECB to print (this is different than Walgreen's).

Can I use an Extra Care Buck for $3 to pay for a $2.99 item?
Yes, the Extra Care Buck says "up to $3" which means it can be adjusted down to the amount of the subtotal (this is different than Walgreen's). It can not cover your tax.

Can I buy one item and use a manuf coupon and an Extra Care Buck to pay for it?
Yes, you can use a manuf coupon and as many Extra Care Bucks as you want to pay for an item (this is different than Walgreen's)

Will CVS accept expired Extra Care Bucks?
This varies from store to store. Some stores will take them no matter how expired they are, some say one week, some say 24 hours and some say none at all.

What should I do if my Extra Care Bucks didn't print?
Let the cashier know and they can manually print an Extra Care Buck for you.

How many Extra Care cards can I have?
The Extra Care program says "one per household", however, most families have one per person in the household. Use your best judgement on this.

Can I use an Extra Care Buck that I received from one Extra Care card to pay for an item when using another Extra Care card?
No, the Extra Care Bucks are tied to an individual card and must be used only when you use that card.

Other CVS Q&As:
Can I use a $2 manuf coupon on an item that only costs $1.99?
Yes, CVS can adjust down manuf coupons.

Is there a certain order I should hand over my coupons?
It really doesn't matter at CVS (this is different than Walgreen's)


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